ANSELMO SWAN: precious objects

July 16 — August 6

Opening reception: Saturday July 16, 1—3 pm

A pure graphite drawing could be regarded as an honest medium, there are no embellishments to hide behind, no colour to sensationalize the subject. There is just the truth of being good or bad. Anselmo Swan’s minimalist renderings of Hostess cupcakes and other brand name desserts convey a sincere mastery of the medium combined with deep conviction. In these works, the lines and marks become inconsequential as they harmonize to elevate an object of everyday consumer culture to the level of the iconic.

1725 West 3rd Avenue
Vancouver, BC Canada V6J 1K7
Tues.—Fri. 11 a.m.—6 p.m., Sat. 12—5 p.m.

Tel: (604) 714-2216


Venue Website

Anselmo Swan
Hostess Cupcakes
graphite on paper, 12 x 15 in.
Courtesy Gallery Jones